Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tigers Jaw - s/t 12"

Before Sound & Fury 2010 actually took place, I saw that there were a lot of bands playing that I had heard about a lot but hadn't listened to yet. I didn't want to miss out on actually understanding the bands I was about to see before I saw them, so I downloaded most things that I was interested in checking out. Especially when I can get everything I need so easily from one or two music blogs, with this day and age. But don't fret, as proven in this particular blog, I do my best to support the music scene as a whole. Tigers Jaw's Self-Titled being one of those. The first time I listened to it, I felt mostly bored but with a slight of intrigue, as some of these songs sounded really weird and different. And by the end, once you've actually gotten the hang of the style they play, because they don't sound like many bands I personally listen to, they could easily be considered catchy as fuck. I listened to it again and again, eventually my girlfriend heard it and got sucked in by its strange awesome-ness.

So I definitely made sure to pick up this fresh re-issue from Run For Cover Records in person from their booth at S&F, as I had horrible past experiences with their mail order, along with everyone else on the internet.

What I, and I'm sure everyone else as well, love most about this besides the music itself, is the cover. How delicious does that pizza look? And I love the fact that the vinyl is the color of burnt cheese. I can almost smell it.


Tigers Jaw - s/t (orange) /200

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